Commentary on Revelation

Test Area
Regarding Revelation, my method of study is very simple -- with just seven focus points.
Seven Points
Ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (This point should be self-evident to all Christians.)
Start with the simple. Revelation contains a lot of plain and straight-forward language. (For example -- names like God 1:1, Jesus Christ 1:1, and the Spirit 2:7, have the same obvious meanings as they have in the rest of the New Testament. We can easily understand these terms. A good portion of the narrative is straight-forward.)
Proceed step by step ‘by taking just one small step at a time,’ then move on to another section. (The more difficult challenges include the correct interpretation of the symbolism. HERE IS A SIMPLE HINT: Revelation makes many references to earlier Scriptures. And the links to these earlier passages provide many of the clues needed for interpretation.)
Remember, ‘you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.’ Read and absorb what others have said on the topic – and ‘read and read’ Revelation yourself. Don’t accept every view that you come across – there is a lot of error out there. Take your time – don’t try to do it overnight.
Discern the unique structure of the narrative -- including its sectional divisions, its parallelisms, and its chiasms, etc. (The whole narrative of Revelation is highly structured.)
Search for what Revelation ‘actually says’ -- accept it ‘as it is.’
MAKE THIS COMMITMENT. Don’t ‘read strange teachings into it’ or ‘reject portions of it,’ either accept it as the ‘word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ’ (Rev 1:2) -- or reject it as falsehood. (‘Don’t mess with it’ by trying to mould it ‘into your own image.’)
A Curse
Rev 22:18, 19
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.
Do not add. Do not take away.
A Blessing
Rev 1:3
Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
This blessing includes three aspects -- read it aloud, hear it, and take it to heart.
A glorious and eternal reward is offered to you. (For a detailed and glorious description -- see the last two chapters of Revelation.)
May God richly bless you

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